A Common Man/ Shawn Farr
In the realm of disbelief
I am the wolf in which you seek
A killers eyes and a poor mans soul
A steady hand and full control
A death machine to serve the Queen
I will make them cringe I will make them scream

There will come a time when all will know my name and they will shudder in fear because know this...
I am coming for you all

A common man
Serves God, Country and his Queen

In this place of disillusion
Theres no place for retribution
A killers instinct a poor mans gut
Move out of the way so you don't get cut
A death machine to serve my Queen
I will make them cringe I will make them scream

There will come a time when all will know my name and they will bow down to the ground when I come before them Or they will die

About this song:
Wondering what horrors my Grandfather had to put up with in the trenches of the First World War.

A Common Man

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This song was recorded using: Falls Apart.
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More songs from Shawn Farr :

Glue (Added: April 2015)
She... (Added: February 2015)
A Common Man (Added: April 2015)
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