Down-tempo L.A. Tribal. If you took a big-city session drummer and dropped them into a rainforest with their kit, this is the sound you would probably get. Definitely a chilled-out track, with multilayered c Read more...
Style: Ballad | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 94 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:07 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
toms, mallets, slow, world, splash cymbal, kick, African, ride cymbal, cymbal fill, down tempo
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Down-tempo L.A. Tribal. If you took a big-city session drummer and dropped them into a rainforest with their kit, this is the sound you would probably get. Definitely a chilled-out track, with multilayered cymbal swells and sizzles swirling around a big and heavy toms/kick mallet groove, with the hi-hats keeping things grounded-- it all comes together to create an overall feeling of trancy mysticism, with one foot on the asphalt and one foot in the jungle.
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