Brushes are the sound of this drum track, which starts with some hi-hat, kick and snare. The hi-hat switches over to ride hits on the up beats, and at one point the brushes stay on the snare and the hi-hat is Read more...
Style: Ballad | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 113 | Decade: Current |
Length: 2:54 | Drummer: Northside |
Brushes, gentle crash, cymbals, beat drops out, simple, nothing fancy, straightforward, ballad, slow, slow dance
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Brushes are the sound of this drum track, which starts with some hi-hat, kick and snare. The hi-hat switches over to ride hits on the up beats, and at one point the brushes stay on the snare and the hi-hat is just played with the drummer's foot. A minute and a half in, the drum beat quiets down to almost nothing. A couple very light cymbal hits and a gentle crash are all that's heard before the groove comes back. The whole track is very simple with very few fills and no fancy stuff. It ends with a gentle crash.
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