Here is a ballad drum track that is in 6/4 time. It is slow and soft, with the main groove being a simple backbeat played on hi-hat, kick and snare. Some brief dropouts and cymbal hits decorate the beat. A s Read more...
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Here is a ballad drum track that is in 6/4 time. It is slow and soft, with the main groove being a simple backbeat played on hi-hat, kick and snare. Some brief dropouts and cymbal hits decorate the beat. A simple fill brings it to a ride cymbal section with a few cymbal hits added for effect. Another fill brings us back to the verse. The drum track goes back and forth between these sections, always with simple, straightforward fills bridging them together. The dynamics remain somewhat subdued throughout. The ending has some light, pretty cymbal work to finish it off.
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