This track begins with an extended introduction on the kick, snare, ride and toms before dropping into the first part -- a stripped down, minimalist groove featuring the kick and hats. At 1:15 the hats open Read more...
Style: Ballad | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 70 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:50 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
slow, quite, love, blues, splash cymbal, kick drum, snare, hi-hats, toms, natural reverb
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
This track begins with an extended introduction on the kick, snare, ride and toms before dropping into the first part -- a stripped down, minimalist groove featuring the kick and hats. At 1:15 the hats open up, and a quick fill on the toms and snare transitions the track into the second part, a more intense ride/snare/toms/kick rhythm, with splash and crash adding accents. Then it's back down to the first part, but this time with the addition of some woody cross-sticking on the snare. It starts to build again, then the toms make the change, and the snare and ride are back in full force. This part also integrates more work on the toms, and a few slight rhythm nuances to keep things interesting, and then it rides out to a big, laid-back finish.
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