This track opens with a mid-tempo brush-stroke groove on the snare interspersed with a beefy sounding kick. After a short rest at 00:32 the song delves into a more complex rhythm pattern, adding the toms and ev Read more...
Style: Ballad | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 72 | Decade: 90's |
Length: 4:10 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
brushes, quiet, simple, slow, kick drum, bass drum, snare, ride cymbal, crash cymbal, beefy kick
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
This track opens with a mid-tempo brush-stroke groove on the snare interspersed with a beefy sounding kick. After a short rest at 00:32 the song delves into a more complex rhythm pattern, adding the toms and eventually crash and ride cymbals. After another short rest at 01:24, the track picks up the hi-hats and the cymbals become more pronounced. Interesting and subtle changes in the rhythm pattern throughout the song keep things interesting. There's a breakdown to just the cymbals at 03:00 until the groove comes back in at 03:13 and rides out to the end in a wash of cymbals.
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