This drum track reminds me of a clock ticking with the steady snare on the off beat and a steady driving 32nd note ticking on a combination of open and closed high hats throughout the track. The cymbals come i Read more...
Style: Ballad | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 128 | Decade: 70's |
Length: 3:45 | Drummer: FancyBeat |
snare, high hat, toms, cymbals, rock groove, simple groove, moving, crash cymbal, ticking high hat, 16th note high hat
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
This drum track reminds me of a clock ticking with the steady snare on the off beat and a steady driving 32nd note ticking on a combination of open and closed high hats throughout the track. The cymbals come in as the song progresses giving the drums some more layers of high frequency as the crash cymbal holds out and fills and resonates in the room giving it a feeling of drama.
Average Customer Review (3 customer reviews) |
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