After a nice cymbal wash intro, the song drops into a relaxed minimalist groove featuring kick, hi-hat, and the woody sound of snare cross-sticking. A short fill on the toms takes the song into the second part Read more...
Style: Ballad | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 88 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:28 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
cymbals, sweet, girl, full, snare cross stick, hi hats, kick, bass drum, ride cymbal, big snare
After a nice cymbal wash intro, the song drops into a relaxed minimalist groove featuring kick, hi-hat, and the woody sound of snare cross-sticking. A short fill on the toms takes the song into the second part with the ride cymbal taking the place of the hats, and a big, full-sounding snare coming in to take over from the cross stick pattern. This has the effect of creating slow build, with a nice soft-loud dynamic. The track moves back and forth between these two parts with in-the-pocket fills helping the transitions, until 3:36 when the tempo kicks into gear with a full on kick/snare/ride backbeat until a toms fill brings it back down to earth, landing softly on another wash of cymbals.
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