In the style of a mid-tempo country rocker, this drum beat starts out with a swingin' backbeat with closed hi-hat. The verse comes in with cross-stick rim clicks, then picks up the volume as the snare returns. Read more...
Style: Country | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 138 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:44 | Drummer: eDrummer |
Style Carrie Underwood, country, country western, country rock, country pop, swinging, rocking, loud, dynamics, back beat
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
In the style of a mid-tempo country rocker, this drum beat starts out with a swingin' backbeat with closed hi-hat. The verse comes in with cross-stick rim clicks, then picks up the volume as the snare returns. There is an interlude with just the hi-hat, slightly open, before the main pattern comes back. Sections are varied between closed and open hi-hat, and around the 2:20 mark we get some ride cymbal. The drum track then quiets down quite a bit to just hi-hat for a little bit. The ride cymbal returns, then the track ends on a quiet note.
Average Customer Review (3 customer reviews) |