This track starts out with a four on the floor bass drum pattern that sounds tailor made for pumping your hands in the air at a huge concert. A snare pattern mainly on the upbeats is played with hot rods, and s Read more...
Style: Country | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 128 | Decade: 60's |
Length: 4:26 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
shuffle, snare, country, hillbilly, 4/4, hot rods, embellishments, bluegrass, four on the floor, upbeats
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
This track starts out with a four on the floor bass drum pattern that sounds tailor made for pumping your hands in the air at a huge concert. A snare pattern mainly on the upbeats is played with hot rods, and soon a hi-hat played with the foot plays every other beat. The groove returns after a brief break, and at one point the bass drum drops out momentarily. Occasional cymbal hits and snare embellishments are riddled throughout, as well as quick breaks in the beat here and there. A little over three minutes in, the snare pattern is played on the rim alone, with kick drum returning after a few bars. The original groove soon comes back in and takes it to the end of the track.
Average Customer Review (1 customer review) |
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