This country track starts out with a stripped down hi-hat and kick pattern that soon adds some rim clicks that make it sound fit for a pedal steel guitar. About 45 seconds in, a country train beat starts on th Read more...
Style: Country | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 180 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:55 | Drummer: Tolke |
train beat, train groove, train, country, 4/4, pedal steel, down home, choo choo, drop out, roots
This country track starts out with a stripped down hi-hat and kick pattern that soon adds some rim clicks that make it sound fit for a pedal steel guitar. About 45 seconds in, a country train beat starts on the snare for a few bars before returning to the rim click pattern, this time incorporating some low tom hits on beat four for the first couple bars. Soon a straight ahead snare groove kicks in, leading back into the train groove. At about 2:45, the beat drops out with the occasional kick/cymbal hit before the familiar train beat pops back in and rolls till the end.
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