This drum beat is in the style of a country swing. A simple kick/snare backbeat with a swung hi-hat starts it off, the groove cuts out for a moment and then some rim clicks replace the snare. A chorus brings Read more...
Style: Country | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 110 | Decade: 70's |
Length: 4:10 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
rim shot, swing, simple, straightforward, country, jazz, pop, country western, country rock, country pop
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
This drum beat is in the style of a country swing. A simple kick/snare backbeat with a swung hi-hat starts it off, the groove cuts out for a moment and then some rim clicks replace the snare. A chorus brings back the snare and a ride cymbal replaces the hi-hat. These are the main sections, and a bridge section features the sticks playing on the side of the drum for a few measures. The drum track is very straightforward and doesn't feature many fills.
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