After a deceptively slow hi-hat at the beginning, this drum track storms right into a fast groove of hi-hat with alternating kick drum and rim clicks. The hi-hat switches with ride cymbal between sections and Read more...
Style: Country | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 90 | Decade: 60's |
Length: 4:02 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
rim shot, fast, rim clicks, cross stick, simple, straightforward, straight, quiet, soft, country
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
After a deceptively slow hi-hat at the beginning, this drum track storms right into a fast groove of hi-hat with alternating kick drum and rim clicks. The hi-hat switches with ride cymbal between sections and the beat occasional drops out for a couple beats. The drum beat is fast but soft, and uptempo but quiet song. At 1:55 a snare replaces the rim clicks. Later the whole thing is stripped down to hi-hat for a couple bars, then it picks up again and the rim clicks return. The beat ends with a quick, simple tom and snare fill.
Average Customer Review (1 customer review) |
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