The snare hits the downbeats at the beginning of this drum track, accompanied with some hi-hat and kick drum. The snare gets replaced with rim clicks on the downbeats, then switches back and forth with the sna Read more...
Style: Funk | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 124 | Decade: Current |
Length: 2:58 | Drummer: Northside |
beat drops out, upbeat, upbeats, hi-hat, rim clicks, cross stick, snare, big, loud, fast
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
The snare hits the downbeats at the beginning of this drum track, accompanied with some hi-hat and kick drum. The snare gets replaced with rim clicks on the downbeats, then switches back and forth with the snare for dynamic sections. There are some quirky fills that keep it sounding interesting and unpredictable, plus occasional moments of the beat dropping out. A bridge section consists of mostly silence broken only by the occasional fill. The loudest section which features a ride cymbal bell takes the beat to the end.
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