This track starts out simply with hits on the "one and" beats with some cymbal hits. A steady ride groove comes in, then the full set busts into a funky groove with snare hits on the "and" of two and on beat 4 Read more...
Style: Funk | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 125 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:52 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
cowbell, funky, funk, funk rock, grooving, jam band, cymbal interlude, fills, crazy fills, drum fills
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
This track starts out simply with hits on the "one and" beats with some cymbal hits. A steady ride groove comes in, then the full set busts into a funky groove with snare hits on the "and" of two and on beat 4. A funky hi-hat accompanies for a while, then switches over to ride cymbal. A motif like the intro comes back in as an interlude before the groove starts up again. At about 2:45 a cowbell surprises us playing quarter notes and the drummer throws a fill down before going back into the main groove again. The outro is very similar to the intro.
Average Customer Review (1 customer review) |