This track opens with some tight work on the hi-hats, then dives in with a driving kick on the one. Nice cymbal accents build until the woody sound of snare cross-sticking joins the party. Great cymbal work th Read more...
Style: Latin | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 132 | Decade: 90's |
Length: 3:52 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
raggae, cool, happy, driving kick, tight hi-hats, snare cross-sticking, tight and bright snare, natural reverb, dynamic, patient snare roll
This track opens with some tight work on the hi-hats, then dives in with a driving kick on the one. Nice cymbal accents build until the woody sound of snare cross-sticking joins the party. Great cymbal work throughout, and the occasional switch to a full-on (yet patient) roll on a bright sounding snare is very satisfying. The song takes a breather at 2:28 where it breaks down to just the hats, interspersed with the snare, and then grooves along and ends on a tight and bright snare roll.
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