If this track doesn't make you want to dance, then you just might be dead. Up-beat tribal toms and a big snare hold down the low end, while a fast cowbell rhythm heats things up from the start. A quick fil Read more...
If this track doesn't make you want to dance, then you just might be dead. Up-beat tribal toms and a big snare hold down the low end, while a fast cowbell rhythm heats things up from the start. A quick fill on the toms and crash at 00:32, and the cowbell is changed out for the ride without missing a beat - they trade back and forth for the rest of the track, adding variation on the transitions with the toms, snare and cymbals. The crash and splash provide accents throughout, and come in on the toms/snare fills. At 1:33 there is a build-up using consecutive snare rolls and the kick followed by a short rest, and then it's back to the party. This track just doesn't let up, high energy until the end when it comes to a full stop with a snare roll and a sharp hit on the crash. It's like a carnival for your ears.
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