An ominous mood kicks this metal drum beat off with some evil sounding low toms mixed in with some eerie empty space. A full-on tom beat follows with the occasional cymbal crash, then the snare comes tearing i Read more...
Style: Metal | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 100 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:43 | Drummer: eDrummer |
big, huge, aggressive, heavy, hard, metal, heavy metal, angry, big snare, huge snare
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5 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
An ominous mood kicks this metal drum beat off with some evil sounding low toms mixed in with some eerie empty space. A full-on tom beat follows with the occasional cymbal crash, then the snare comes tearing in and hits a brutal backbeat with an open hi-hat which switches to a crash cymbal. There are some double bass drum embellishments and the toms reappear as interludes and in a bridge section that features some toms and the snare bashing loudly without any cymbals. At the end, it goes into some double time speed metal madness!
Average Customer Review (2 customer reviews) |
big, huge, aggressive, heavy, hard, metal, heavy metal, angry, big snare, huge snare, crashing, bashing, toms, evil, mad, dark, open hi-hat, rock, hard rock, heavy rock, big fills, double bass drum, beat drops out, midtempo, 4/4, double time, speed metal