Starting out with an ominous "1 and" beating of toms, this drum track breaks into a heavy backbeat featuring open hi-hat quarter notes and the occasional double bass drum flourish. The main verse section is a Read more...
Style: Metal | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 108 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:32 | Drummer: eDrummer |
big, huge, big fills, big snare, huge snare, heavy, hard, heavy rock, hard rock, heavy metal
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11 of 13 people found the following review helpful:
Starting out with an ominous "1 and" beating of toms, this drum track breaks into a heavy backbeat featuring open hi-hat quarter notes and the occasional double bass drum flourish. The main verse section is a simple beat with a couple quick double bass drum bits, then the ride cymbal comes in and the kick drum is more prominent. After a brief return to the intro, it goes back to some open hi-hat and some double kick every measure. Soon a crash cymbal starts keeping time and a heavy, steady beat comes in with fills in every bar. A bridge section consists of a bunch of scattered, big fills and then a quiet cymbal moment before heading back into a kick drum-heavy beat till the end that mimics the intro.
Average Customer Review (3 customer reviews) |
big, huge, big fills, big snare, huge snare, heavy, hard, heavy rock, hard rock, heavy metal, metal, rock, rap rock, toms, evil, dark, angry, aggressive, bashing, smashing, 4/4, midtempo, loud, double bass drum, riff rock, alternative rock, crazy