The main groove for this drum track is a 16th note pattern played with brushes on the snare. No cymbals are present and the kick drum only plays on the "one" of every beat for the most part. The kick pattern Read more...
Style: Pop | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 120 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:12 | Drummer: FancyBeat |
Brushes, 16th notes, brush snare, sparse, quiet, soft, light, slow build, soft pop, pop
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
The main groove for this drum track is a 16th note pattern played with brushes on the snare. No cymbals are present and the kick drum only plays on the "one" of every beat for the most part. The kick pattern does pick up, and there are some fills that include cymbal hits as well. Eventually, the kick/snare pattern sets up a backbeat, and the 16th notes played with the brushes get slightly louder. A light hi-hat can also be heard. The drum beat slowly builds, but drops down quietly before the end.
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