What we've got here is a down 'n dirty blues tune. It starts with a cymbal swell and a short run on the toms before rolling up its sleeves and getting down to business with a big and steady kick/snare/hats gro Read more...
Style: R&B | Time signature: 6/4 |
BPM: 108 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:39 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
blues, heavy, slow, hard, natural reverb, dynamic, R&B, snappy snare, punchy kick, ride cymbal
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
What we've got here is a down 'n dirty blues tune. It starts with a cymbal swell and a short run on the toms before rolling up its sleeves and getting down to business with a big and steady kick/snare/hats groove. There is definitely a minimalist feel to the track in the first part, but that just showcases the soft/loud dynamic that comes in with the ride in the second part, and will serve to accentuate whatever gets layered over top of it. The 6/4 time signature keeps things aurally fresh, and makes for some interestingly timed, well-panned fills on the toms/snare. Ends off with a classic big R&B finish complete with lots of cymbal and a stuttering snare-- This one is ready for anything.
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