This track for sure will get you in the groove. With a steady 4/4 time signature tracked at 70 bpm, this drum track is perfect for an r&b slower ballad with a steady kick and snare to take charge of the groove Read more...
Style: R&B | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 70 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:31 | Drummer: eDrummer |
r&b drum track, groovin drum track, syncopated high hat, steady kick, mid range snare, start stops, unexpected fills, cymbal work, smooth r&b, Marvin Gaye
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
This track for sure will get you in the groove. With a steady 4/4 time signature tracked at 70 bpm, this drum track is perfect for an r&b slower ballad with a steady kick and snare to take charge of the groove. The syncopated high hat gives the track the movement that makes you want to bob your head along to the track. With funky fills that come in throughout the track as well as stops to grab your attention and get you back in the flow of the song, this is a far from boring drum track to give your soft hits a little bit of tasty flavor!
Average Customer Review (1 customer review) |
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