A rubato drum roll kicks this off, then the drum track starts into a slightly off-kilter cross stick groove that starts and stops often, making it sound like a sort of herky jerky soul beat. When the snare kic Read more...
Style: R&B | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 80 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:00 | Drummer: eDrummer |
Erika Badu, beat drops out, odd, odd feeling, herky jerky, crazy, syncopated, complex, complicated, busy
A rubato drum roll kicks this off, then the drum track starts into a slightly off-kilter cross stick groove that starts and stops often, making it sound like a sort of herky jerky soul beat. When the snare kicks in, the drum beat becomes a bit more straightforward, with strategically placed hi-hat accents to keep the funkiness. Another section of the drum beat gives us a ride cymbal playing in unison with the kick drum part. At one point, the beat drops out for about two bars at a time, then brings back the ride cymbal groove that makes it sound almost like an odd time signature a times.
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