This is a tom-laden drum track, with the hi-hat played on the foot and featuring a big-sounding tom, snare and kick drum pattern. About a minute in there is a brief interlude where the snare hits the down Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 138 | Decade: Current |
Length: 2:52 | Drummer: FancyBeat |
Toms, quarter note snare, crashing, dark, rock, hard rock, heavy rock, classic rock, alternative rock, indie rock
2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
This is a tom-laden drum track, with the hi-hat played on the foot and featuring a big-sounding tom, snare and kick drum pattern. About a minute in there is a brief interlude where the snare hits the down beats. There are small variations on the groove here and there, and at one point the toms disappear and the snare bashes the downbeat along with a crash cymbal. Occasionally the beat drops out momentarily. A couple of minutes in, there is a new groove with hi-hat, snare and kick but no toms. The end involves a big bashing of the snare and crash. It's a heavy, fast track with lots of dynamic.
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