This drum track is tom-heavy, starting out with a jungle-esque tom and kick pattern with the occasional snare hit/embellishment. The snare soon plays beat 4 each measure, then is featured more prominently alon Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 100 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:22 | Drummer: FancyBeat |
Toms, four on the floor, world music, jungle beat, rock, hard rock, exotic rock, alternative rock, indie rock, pop
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4 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
This drum track is tom-heavy, starting out with a jungle-esque tom and kick pattern with the occasional snare hit/embellishment. The snare soon plays beat 4 each measure, then is featured more prominently along with some quiet cymbals as the groove alters around. Then the beat cuts out most of the toms and comes down to a world music-influenced beat before returning home. The kick is mostly playing four-on-the-floor throughout. Fills and embellishments come in here and there, but the main pattern and groove pretty much remain the same throughout. The end features several crashes and an outro fill.
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