After some light snare work and some ghost notes, this track starts into a verse with the snare playing hard on the "and" of beat two and on beat four. The beat drops out momentarily before a chorus with open Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 74 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:58 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
4/4, midtempo, downtempo, rock, pop, pop/rock, alternative rock, singer/songwriter, syncopation, triplet fills
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2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
After some light snare work and some ghost notes, this track starts into a verse with the snare playing hard on the "and" of beat two and on beat four. The beat drops out momentarily before a chorus with open hi-hat and louder dynamic with some cymbal crashes. The beat drops again for a moment before giving way to another verse. These sections go back and forth for a while, and a bridge section is highlighted by the ride cymbal and a big triplet fill. After one more verse, the chorus comes in and then the beat comes down a bit to the end of the track.
Average Customer Review (1 customer review) |