This track doesn't waste any time jumping in with a simple, solid kick/snare groove accented with freehand snare rolls, and featuring a nice, punchy kick and natural reverb on the snare. From there it shifts Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 126 | Decade: Current |
Length: 3:43 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
indie, cool, heavy, kick, snare, ride cymbal, crash cymbal, floor tom, tom toms, natural reverb
This track doesn't waste any time jumping in with a simple, solid kick/snare groove accented with freehand snare rolls, and featuring a nice, punchy kick and natural reverb on the snare. From there it shifts gears, adding a big ride cymbal accented with toms and crash cymbal until transitioning back to the first part. We move back and forth between these two parts throughout the song, adding variations on the toms/snare along the way until a breakdown to several rests interspersed with tom/snare/cymbal fills at 2:22 -- then it's back to the first part/second part trade-off until the end when it finishes on a hanging snare roll.
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