Two big, driving kick drums with bassy overtones pound on the front door of this song, then they invite a rock-steady snare and hi-hat to come out and play. The other cymbals get in on the action, and that's wh Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 120 | Decade: 90's |
Length: 4:06 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
heavy, cymbals, hard, pounding kick, full cymbals, clear cymbals, dance beat, breaks, rolls, nice bridge
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Two big, driving kick drums with bassy overtones pound on the front door of this song, then they invite a rock-steady snare and hi-hat to come out and play. The other cymbals get in on the action, and that's where the song climbs deep in a pocket of rock awesomeness, before slipping back into the groove and doing it all again with some nice variations and a couple of snare and cymbal breakdowns-- all punctuated with a solid kick that doesn't let up until the final cymbal swell. Why are the windows red? Because the playing is on fire, that's why.
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