Urgent straight-8 snare and tom work makes up the foundation that this house of rock is built upon. The first part feels like a call to arms-- building intensity with bullet-fast snare fills and cymbal accents Read more...
Style: Rock | Time signature: 4/4 |
BPM: 144 | Decade: Current |
Length: 4:11 | Drummer: BeatMaster |
heavy, vintage, toms, floor, tight snare, hi-hat, ride cymbal, crash cymbals, snare fills, urgent
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Urgent straight-8 snare and tom work makes up the foundation that this house of rock is built upon. The first part feels like a call to arms-- building intensity with bullet-fast snare fills and cymbal accents before launching into a heavy kick-snare-ride groove punctuated with crash cymbals. These two parts trade back and forth, and each time the fills and accents seem to gain momentum, until a snare roll takes us to a bridge over cymbal-ed waters. Then it's back the first part to cross the finish line with a heart-thumping crescendo. This diamond doesn't just cut glass-- it shatters windows.
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