My Other Half/ Shawn Farr
Money Honey Money Honey Money Honey and she won't come down
All fingers no thumbs
15 minutes never comes
your dying to live I'm living to die
I'm caught in your headlights
You just spit in my eye
Now shes got her fix and her bag of tricks
Shes taken all her licks ticking timebomb ticks
All this loving and dying
Life is surprising
Searching and seeking looking for weakness
Through all of the boredom and the subterfuge
My Babys got a mission and a really short fuse
It feels like Monday morning and my heads too fat
Shes like Money Honey Money...
About this song:
Not really sure
This song was recorded using: The End.
Listen to more songs recorded with this drum track.
More songs from Shawn Farr :
Glue (Added: April 2015)
She... (Added: February 2015)
A Common Man (Added: April 2015)
A Common Man (Added: April 2015)
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